About me

I am Arnau Soler Costa, born on April 18, 1998, in Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà, in the region of Osona, within Catalonia. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Environmental Biology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and later obtained a Master's degree in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management, also from the UAB.

My passion for nature photography began at the age of 13, although I had already developed an interest in ornithology and nature a few years before getting my first camera. While I employ various techniques, lately, I have been particularly focused on camera trapping and the use of sensors, providing an opportunity to capture the natural behaviors of the species I have the chance to photograph.

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MONTPHOTO 2014 - Finalist in the "Young photographers" category

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BECA DAVID FONT "TETE" 2017 - Best nature photography and 3rd overall award

EXPONATURA UAB 2017 - 2nd award

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EXPONATURA UAB 2017 - Finalist

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EXPONATURA UAB 2019 - Finalist

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EXPONATURA 2022 - 2nd award

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EXPONATURA 2022 - Finalist

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EXPONATURA 2023 - 3rd award

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